What is an EICR?
From 1st April 2021 Government regulations require all tenanted property to have an Electrical Installation Condition Report of (EICR). The checks involved in an EICR ensure that all electrical installations in the property, such as light fixtures and electrical sockets are safe before the tenant moves in.
Who should you get to carry out and EICR?
You should contact a registered electrician who is at minimum recognised as a competent person to carry out EICRs at www.competentperson.co.uk
What should you do with the paperwork?
You should retain the paperwork as you may be required to produce it by your local authority. In addition, you are required to provide the EICR to the tenant within 28 days of carrying out the EICR and if the tenant requests the EICR you must supply it within 28 days.
What happens if my property is awarded an unsatisfactory EICR?
You will need to carry out remedial works. Most contractors who carry out an EICR will also quote for the remedial works when they provide you with an unsatisfactory EICR. You do not need to use the same contractor for the EICR and the remedial works and may choose to go elsewhere to get quotes but you should carry out the work within 28 days. In some cases the qualified contractor may recommend that an issue is dangerous and should be carried out sooner than within 28 days. In any case you should provide a copy of the failed report to your tenant within 28 days.
How often should you carry out an EICR?
EICRs should be carried out at least every 5 years for tenanted properties.

What are the penalties for not having a satisfactory EICR?
If you do not rectify the problems you risk a fine of £5000 for a first offence and up to £30,000 for further offences. Local authorities are responsible for enforcing the new rules as specified under the Housing Act 2004.
Understanding the EICR Jargon
EICRs discuss C1s, C2s and C3s plus items for Further Investigation (FI).
A C1 observation means “Danger Present”. This code means that there is a risk of injury and immediate remedial action is required. The person using the electrical installation will need to be advised to take remedial action without delay. Examples of C1s include:
- Exposed live parts are accessible to touch
- Conductive parts have become live as a result of the fault
- Incorrect polarity
A C2 observation means “Potentially Dangerous”. This code means that there is no immediate threat but it is likely to become a danger in the future and so urgent remedial action is required to remove the potential danger. Examples of C2s include:
- Damaged sockets or pendants
- Non – IP rated lighting in a bathroom within zones 0 to 2
- The consumer unit does not contain suitable RCD protection
A C3 observation means “Improvement Recommended” and shows that there is non compliance with BS 7671 (currently 18th Edition) electrical standards. Examples include:
- No warning stickers for dual colour lighting installations
- Absence of an RCD periodic test notice
An FI observation means that “Further Investigation is required without delay”. These are observations that are departures from the current edition of the BS 7671 (currently the 18th Edition) and therefore need to be recorded separately as an FI. Examples include:
- Cable colours complying with a previous edition of the standard
- Circuits unable to be verified at the time of testing
- Earthing cables unable to be verified at time of testing
Should an EICR be re-issued after the remedial work is carried out?
It is fine to issue an EIC or Minor Works certificates following remedial work on an EICR and the old unsatisfactory EICR can be read in conjunction with the new certificates, however some customers prefer a new Satisfactory EICR and in this case we will re-issue the EICR if we carried out the initial check.