
Surbiton, Surrey, UK

Mon-Fri 8.30 AM - 5.30 PM

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Mon-Fri 8.30 AM - 5.30 PM

Sat & Sun CLOSED


Surbiton, Surrey, UK

Air Source Heat Pumps

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      Surrey electrical services

      Air Source Heat Pumps

      Installing a pool or air conditioning and want an Air Source to drive the heating/cooling? – We can design the right installation for you


      You would be amazed by the efficiency and effectiveness of some of the modern day infrastructure around heating with air source heat pumps. They are taking off in a big way for supplying economical and environmentally friendly  heating solutions. I was amazed as the wife of a plumber and now running my own electrical company when a friend proudly showed off her new garden studio and it had a conventional electric radiator. Not only are these too cold in the winter, they don’t provide the cooling needed for such a structure in the summer. The benefits of moving to air source heat pumps are as follows:

      Cheaper: The average air source heat pump is 2.5 times cheaper than the cost of a gas boiler
      Environmentally friendly: With a low carbon footprint
      Free: Can be hooked up to your PV solar power on the roof to provide you with free heating from the sun rather than supplying back into the national grid
      Works in colder temperatures
      Can be used for both space heating and hot water
      Easy installation and low maintenance with a longer lifespan
      Heating and Cooling: Providing air con in the summer and heating in winter